The last two paragraphs in an article headed “‘Drugs 101’ aims to alert Manheim Township parents” state:

“To combat student drug abuse, Manheim Township School District plans to expand its drug and alcohol counseling and education programs.

“It’s also considering implementing stepped-up searches of student lockers by drug-sniffing dogs and adopting a mandatory drug-testing program, an idea supported by superintendent Gene Freeman.”

WATCHDOG: So foolish and so sad. Visit and see the excerpt below.

The majority of youngsters experiment with marijuana the same as they experiment with beer. However, traces of marijuana are detectable for two weeks. The youngster who tests positive is no different that his or her classmates. But he or she drew the short straw, and now will become grist for the drug warrior mill: shamed, singled out, ostracized. Manheim Township needs a new superintendent, not drug tests.


“Drug testing of any kind, including for cause or suspicion, was not a significant predictor of marijuana use. These results remained for all samples, even after controlling for student demographic characteristics.”


Yamaguchi, Ryoko, Lloyd D. Johnston & Patrick M. O’Malley, “Relationship Between Student Illicit Drug Use and School Drug-Testing Policies,” Journal of School Health, April 2003, Vol. 73, No. 4, p. 163.

[Full disclosure: NewsLanc’s publisher Robert Field is co-chair of Common Sense for Drug Policy which publishes Drug War Facts.]

Updated: August 4, 2016 — 11:54 am