Intelligencer New Era

Editorial  “A day of wrecking” opines:

…Corbett’s vision of shared sacrifice is clouded by his refusal to tax the multi-billion dollar natural gas industry. He argues that natural gas can be to Pennsylvania what oil has been to Texas. Except that Texas taxes natural gas and oil extraction. Recent polls show that more than 70 percent of Pennsylvanians favor a tax on natural gas extraction.

“Although Corbett said this budget would do away with gimmicks, his administration has interpreted depreciation of business deductions in a way that gives businesses a $200 million state tax break….

“This was expected to be a tough budget, but it would have been far more palatable had the governor asked corporations to share the pain. Instead, he chose to place the heaviest burden on those who teach children and who help the needy while giving tax breaks to businesses…”

WATCHDOG: Two wags of the tail!  However, let’s not forget the leaders who wasted tens of millions locally and billions across the state on dubious projects.  We could sure use that money now.


1 Comment

  1. I am surprised and happy that the New Era would have such a logical criticism of a Republican administration especially when it finds itself advocating for increased taxes! Did I read that correctly? Corporations should “share the pain”? What about “the job busting taxes that discourage the very industries that bring good paying jobs to the commonwealth etc etc. etc” ad nauseam.

    So, only “The Voice of Republicanism in Lancaster County” gets to decide which are the “good” taxes” on job creating corporations? “Two wags of the tail” indeed, but “lets not forget” !!!

    Lets not forget the new Governor’s “Marcellus Shale Advisory Commission” that is loaded (loaded!) weighted, top heavy, with everyone with a vested interest in PA gas resources (our resources) and who paid dearly to be at the government goodie table. Just read the list and the list of contributions. See our new governor’s cabinet members who sit on the commission and their contributions, even our new “Secretary for Environmental Protection”!

    This is so old and so disgusting that I cannot imagine that it is still happening after all we have learned about government and private industry corruption. Shame on all the people of Pennsylvania for putting up with this again and again and again!

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