Editorial “Linked to pornographic email scandal, Richard Sheetz could not stay on in DA’s office” goes on to judge:

“Eight men who worked under Tom Corbett in the state attorney general’s office now are embroiled in a pornographic email scandal. Lancaster County resident Richard Sheetz is one of them.

“Two of the eight resigned last Thursday from their state government positions.

“Another, Randy Feathers, has been asked to resign from the state Board of Probation and Parole by Gov. Tom Corbett, who appointed him, but Feathers has refused.

“[Craig] Sheetz, a career prosecutor who returned to the DA’s office this summer in an administrative role, was right to resign.
And Stedman was right to accept his resignation.”

WATCHDOG: Once again the editors, our moral police and paragons of virtue, have pronounced judgment effecting the career of a dedicated public servant.

It has nothing to do with what the person did; but rather what he thought.

Now let’s do the math. If we ban members of the approximately 50% of males who watch adult pornography… if we ban members of the 25% who have smoked pot…the other 50% who have had sex outside of marriage…. still another 50% for an occasional ‘sexist’ comment… we may only have the editors from the Lancaster Newspapers left.

Okay, we will concede there may be a ‘virtuous’ 15%. But are they the only ones we want running the country?

What is it that the New Testament has to say about “throwing stones?”



  1. The problem I see is not the morality of the situation, but the poor handling. By now everyone should know not to send questionable emails at work. To do so, shows either a lack of intelligence or a lack or concern for one’s job. Either flaw is unacceptable for a professional position.

  2. All too often law enforcement punishes undisclosed offenses with less relevant issues…. Their belief that the end justifies them is SERIOUSLY FLAWED.

    Gov Wolf is on to them. Death Row moratorium has DAs quaking in their shoes. If they have to explain the truth about those on death row who will never be executed… Their Confidentiality of Information will expose their deliberate and malicious injustice… If someone is REALLY gonna die, a lawyer can break confidentiality… So people are parked on death row forever… Injustice got them there. Confidentiality keeps them there.

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