News article News article “Prosperous Community report views countywide problems” opens: opens:

“Unemployment is falling.

“School districts say between 10 and 33 percent of children entering kindergarten aren’t ready for school.

“The teenage pregnancy rate continues to fall.

“Our air isn’t clean enough for all to breathe safely and our streams are polluted.

“We give of our time to help others at a higher rate than our fellow Pennsylvanians and fellow Americans.

“That’s a mix of the good and the bad from a new report released Monday about Lancaster County called Building a Prosperous Community.”

WATCHDOG: That is about as well written an introduction as we have encountered anywhere in a long time. It provides a variety of interesting information up front and thus draws the reader into the balance of the article.

It also provides cohesion since there are so many subjects to be addressed.

We are so tired of articles that start with human interest stories and require you to jump eight paragraphs to find out the news.

Two wags of the tail for the reporter. (It is Joe Hainthaler, although we normally don’t mention reporters by name.)


1 Comment

  1. Of equal interest is the story about the soccer tournament this week that will bring $5-6 million into our local economy…..without any county gaurantee!!!!!!

    How does the convention center/hotel compare in those kinds of returns for investment???

    Does anything done at the convention center/hotel make any money for anyone other then PSP????

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