About a third of the front page is devoted to photographs of happy consumers of vapor from electronic cagarettes accompanying the leed article “Enjoying the Vapors”.

WATCHDOG: There are two photos. Pictures are said to be worth a thousand words. The article, if read in full, only comes to 1263.

The recent popularity of electronic cigarettes and their health implications merit coverage and the article takes a responsbile approach. For that a wag of the tail.

But the photos of people blissfully inhaling tobacco smoke send a very different message…a virtual advertisement from the tobacco industry to the young and impressionable .

Are the editors not aware that nicotine is one of the most addictive and dangerous drugs?

We’ll make a deal with the Intell editors:

We won’t post photos of people enjoying steam containing relatively benign marijuana if they don’t publish photos that promote the use of tobacco.
