Prominently placed article headed Concerns over convention center finances limit bookingstowards the end states:

“[Josh Nowak, Interstate Hotel & Resorts director of sales] said he is not aware that any event planners that had seriously considered the Lancaster center have decided to go elsewhere. But he said it has taken longer and required more reassurances for planners who are booking events here.”
WATCHDOG: So which is it?

It seems that whenever the Lancaster Newspapers, Inc. half interest in Penn Square Partners is at risk, they turn to the same reporter to write an article suggesting that ‘the sky will fall’ if an action in its interests and from which it can profit  is not immediate adopted.  Scare tactics were successful throughout the development of the project.  Scare tactics can work once again.

We would appreciate the Lancaster Newspapers at least mentioning its partnership in the adjoining Marriott Hotel so newcomers to the community would be aware of latent bias.

Virtually no one wants to see the Convention Center closed.  But those who profited through disreputable misrepresentations must participate now in correcting the sweetheart contracts favoring Penn Square Partners and S. Dale High’s companies rammed down the throats of the former Convention Center Authority and likely costing the Convention Center over a million dollars annually.


1 Comment

  1. Amen!! It’s about time the private partners pick up their fair share of the tab for their misguided investment.

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