An editorial “The wrong tool” starts out “A proposal designed to use the census to hammer at the issue of illegal immigrants is a case of using the wrong tool for the job. We’re pleased to note that Congress vetoed the measure.”

It notes that U. S. Sen. David “Vitter appealed to his Senate colleagues on the grounds that the illegal immigrant population could skew the reapportionment of the House.”

It goes on to reason: “There’s also a fear that injecting citizenship questions into the basic census would cause family groups made up of legal and illegal immigrants, along with children who may be citizens on the basis of their birth to avoid the census entirely, thereby triggering an undercount.”

WATCHDOG: Here is a situation where practicality trumps the clear intent of the Constitution.

For better or for worse, it is clear that the population of the United States over a period of half a century has altered from a Caucasian European majority and African American minority to a White, Latino, and African American society. And in another half century, distinctions likely will largely disappear and the issue will become moot.

Any visitor to Southern California, Arizona, New Mexico and southern areas of Texas and Florida will experience this trend first hand.

One doubts this would occur were it not for the length and difficulty in patrolling the border with Mexico. The USA successfully enforced caps on immigration from other parts of the world where immigrants had to arrive by ship or planes.

This is another case of geography determining destiny.
