Editorial “Fight on, State” opines:

“ ‘The NCAA shouldn’t have sanctioned Penn State…the NCAA has no authority and operated outside of their own bylaws with those sanctions,’ [Gov. Tom Corbett] said’…

“So where was his outrage this past summer when the sanctions were announced?  Why did he remain mum until a year before his re-election campaign?”

WATCHDOG: We wholehearted concur with the Intell question, especially since Corbett was on the board of Penn State and certainly did not demur in speaking his view when he led the charge to fire Coach Joe Paterno.

However, where were the Intell editors when the sanctions were announced?  While NewsLanc was making the exact same points that the State is making in its suit against the NCAA, they were sanctimoniously wallowing in communal guilt, never recognizing that two very separate issues were involved.

Perhaps it takes a certain number of years, an independent spirit, and amount of self confidence to objectively evaluate, especially when popular emotions are misdirected.  Memo to the Media:  The Penn State football team was not involved in pedophilia; it was a former coach.   If the administration screwed up, it is a matter for the courts.   It has nothing to do with the NCAA.  It should read its own charter and by-laws.


1 Comment

  1. What can I say. Some get it sooner than later. The important thing is that they GET IT!

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