Editorial “Sounds of silence” opines:  “The demise of the Pennsylvania Academy of Music this week is a sad event…The closure ends an almost operatic tale of great art and greater ambition brought down by a combination of hubris, poor planning and economic issues…The tale has no real villains, although we’re sure bruised egos and thinner pocketbooks are left behind.  These sores will eventually heal…Let’s not forget that PAM’s biggest sin may have been overreaching.  And let’s also not forget that those who overreach often fail; those who never try rarely get anywhere…”

WATCHDOG: Three wags of the tail for this accurate, wise and conciliatory message!

Incidentally, we haven’t heard the fat lady sing yet.  The building remains; the faculty and students exist; there is at least one anonymous funder for $50,000 a year over several years ready to match four others to underwrite a new academy.   Let’s see what happens.


1 Comment

  1. Balderdash! Two villans, and many naive well meaning patrons. This institution took away more than it gave.

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