INTELL / NEW ERA: Two tears and one belly laugh

An AP article “Telecom immunity OK for eavesdroppingreports:   “A federal appeals court on Thursday said a 2008 law that granted telecommunications companies legal immunity for helping the National lSecurity Agency with an email and telephone eavesdropping program is constitutional.” George Orwell’s “1984”  takes another step closer to reality.

A report from the New York Times states:  “U S. to sell Saudis F-15 jets” “Fortifying one of its key allies in the Persian Gulf, the Obama administration announced a weapons deal with Saudi Arabia on Thursday saying it had agreed to sell F15 fighter jets valued at nearly $30 billion to the Royal Saudi Air Force.” Another triumph for the Military Industrial complex!  What possible good can these planes do  for Saudi Arabia other than  to influence US foreign policy and provide a means for kick backs to corrupt government officials?

Now for the belly laugh.  The New Era editors in “Hefty pay hikes for privileged few” criticize the City for increasing the  Administrative Service Director’s salary from $84,000 a year to $92,000.  Let’s set aside the fact that Patrick Hopkins would earn at least half again more in private industry.  Instead, let’s focus on the editors’ reasoning:  “When employers ask or demand sacrifices, they should not exempt any employee.”

In other words:  From each according to his ability; to each according to his needs.”  Author:  Karl Marx.   Are the New Era apparently ‘pinko’ editors trying to stake out a position further to the left than the Intell’s?
