Article reports “Obama plans Israel, Palestine talks” goes on to say “Winning agreement to a least restart the direct talks makes good on an Obama campaign promise to confront the festering conflict early in his presidency…”

WATCHDOG: There are those so naive or so partisan that they cannot recognize the link between President Obama defending the right of Muslims to construct a mosque near the World Trades Center site and how his stance engenders the good will on the part of the international Muslim community that is a stepping stone towards peace in the Middle East.   Put another way,his actions and the impending talks are important steps to protecting American lives and interests.

Unlike many Americans, the President understands that the enemy is al Queda, not Muslims.


1 Comment

  1. What I find interesting is that some of the people who are against the center because of sensitivity issue are the very same people who feel that it is OK to fly the confederate flag in the South because it is part of the Southern heritage. In this case the sensitivity of 12 million does not seem to matter.

    I can not help but think that this is political fodder or racism or more than likely a little bit of both mixed with a strong dose of hypocrisy. Chuck Schumer who now seems very liberal and open minded forgets what he said when Dubai world was interest in running the port here. A company that has and is running ports all over the world. He is not the only one who has forgotten. The whole media has forgotten too.

    ,,,it is things of this nature that drive the moderates into the extremists camp.

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