Intell front page Home Show ad misleading if not down right deceptive

The front page of Friday’s Intelligencer Journal Lancaster New Era had a 2 ¼” by 3” inch affixed proclaiming “FREE ADMISSION HOME SHOW….WIN ONE MILLION DOLLARS AT THE HOME SHOW.”

That some visitor would win a million dollars by attending the Lancaster home show this weekend sounded too good to be true.   And of course, it wasn’t.   What the ad should have said is “Free admission…register  at the Home Show to win one million dollars.”

The fine print on back of the attachment explains that the contest covers multiple events worldwide over the course of the year.

The Lancaster Newspapers, Inc. is in business to make money…and that is good and proper.   But it should not permit misleading advertisements on its front page that should not even be permitted to appear in its classified sections.


1 Comment

  1. LNP/Convention center/misleading….who would have ever guessed!!!

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