Inquirer: Hershey deal merits investigation. Then how about LGH?

An editorial in the Philadelphia Inquirer calls for an investigation by Tom Corbett,  Attorney General:

Revelations regarding the questionable expenditure of millions of charitable dollars by the trustees at the Hershey School deserve a thorough investigation by the state.

The Inquirer reported that the board paid an inflated price of $12 million for a golf course, and then spent another $5 million building a clubhouse. The purchase price was two to three times Hershey’s own appraisal of the golf course…

Coincidentally or not, the purchase bailed out 40 to 50 local businessmen and doctors who had made a bad investment in the money-losing golf course. Along came the school to bail out the executive duffers. One of those investors happened to be Richard H. Lanny, at the time chief executive of Hershey Co. Lanny was also on the board of the Hershey Trust, which oversees the school.”

Click here to read the full article.

From the point of view of the Hershey orphans and the poor and needy of Lancaster (not to mention the rest that have to pay inflated health care premiums), how much different is the golf course bail out from  gifting $1.2 million to Lancaster General Hospital’s President and CEO, Tom Beeman?

If the Attorney General won’t investigate the give away and the opaque use of public funds at LGH, is the time coming  to engage counsel specializing in foundation law and consultants knowledgeable concerning hospital management to investigate what is actually going on at LGH?
