Inquirer exclusive: How the perjury case against Kane was built (Purports to be ‘news’)

PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER: … In its seven months of investigation, the grand jury was unable to answer a key question. While it blames [PA Attorney General Kathleen] Kane for the material given to the Daily News, the grand jury could not obtain any eyewitness testimony about who actually stuffed the envelope before it was sealed.

Kane’s camp has said she authorized the release of only one record: a 2014 summary of Peifer’s interview with the agent.

She has said she did not believe the summary was covered by grand jury secrecy rules and presumed that it, not other material, would be shared with the Daily News.

But the packet given to the newspaper contained no such summary. The documents shared – and the only ones quoted in the story – were the 2014 Miletto transcript and a memo written in 2009 by a prosecutor in the case detailing allegations of impropriety by Mondesire… (more)

EDITOR: Now having read the above which appears at the end of the long article, look at the way the article opens, making it appear unquestionable that Kathleen Kane authorized turning over the materials to which the attorney was referring.

Also note that much of the article is attributed to anonymous sources.

We have no idea who stuffed the envelope, but we do believe that Kane is surrounded with a number of hold overs and malcontents from the Corbett administration and some of them apparently ressent Kane catching them passing along pornographic material.

We don’t yet know what happened but it makes us wonder as much about the Inquirer as Kane. In any case, Bill Keisling will try to get to the bottom of this. He has his work cut out for him.

It was disappointing that the LNP reproduced the article from the Inquirer without apparently given thought to whether this was an attempt by the Inquirer to defend itself against accusations from Bill Keisling and a growing awareness in the media of the newspaper’s deceit. But LNP has had plenty practice in doing the same.


1 Comment

  1. They’re basically claiming to have leaked grand jury information on how Kane leaked grand jury information.

    This is called: hypocrisy and dishonesty.


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