Inquirer at it again with unsubstantiated attacks on Kathleen Kane

Inquirer article “Probes have made the Pa. Attorney General’s Office a hell in Harrisburg” rehashes its prior attacks on Kathleen Kane

By turning on an informer to try to link the Pennsylvania Attorney General to the alleged leaking of five year old grand jury information, the Inquirer substituted betrayal of journalistic ethics for investigatory report.

“Current and former staffers say it’s a workplace where supervisors go through office phone records to see who is calling whom – and talking for how long.

“It is a place where Kane’s chief of staff officially complained that someone pawed through his briefcase while he had stepped away.

“And last week, detectives from the Montgomery County District Attorney’s Office searched the place, looking for evidence of wrongdoing by Kane.”

What isn’t a rehash, is a rumor mill.

The article goes on to say: “As Kane’s woes have mushroomed, numerous staffers say the atmosphere in her office has grown increasingly poisonous. They describe Kane, 49, as isolated and incommunicative, hewing tightly to a group of loyalists and shutting out prosecutors and agents she sees as not on her team.”

Kane’s spokesperson Chuck Ardo response, buried towards the bottom of the article on the jump page, is:

“There is an old guard committed to fighting the changes that this attorney general was elected to make.”

Having been the subject of much malicious rumors, not allowed to respond, and never charged with anything, there is little wonder that Kane is wary of speaking with holdover staff and running the risk of whatever she may say being reported by the Inquirer in the worse possible light.


1 Comment

  1. The dead ender Corbett cronies at the office should all be fired. If they find so much as them walking home with a government paid for paper clip, FIRE THEM. Employment is at will and if they steal something it is with cause.

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