Inauguration invitees told to arrive at 5:30 AM

According to invitee Benjamin Field, even those holding seats in reserved sections have been advised to arrive at in the early morning hour to be assured of assessing  chairs due to the expected throng of 900,000 people.

Reportedly, in 2008 there were so many people at the presidential inauguration that by 6:30 AM it became impossible to get through the throng to gain access to reserved seats.  The actual ceremonies begin at 11:30 AM.

Moreover,  ball invitations for Obama campaign political organizers are now for a special party to be held Tuesday evening instead of Monday, when the public swearing-in of President Barack Obama and Vice-President Joe Biden takes place.

According to the Huffington Post, the number of ‘porter potties’ has been reduced to 1500 from the 5000 used during the ceremonies in 2008, a further challenge for the early arrivers.

And the election campaign workers thought it was challenge enough getting the Obama-Biden ticket elected!
