In defense of conduct at ‘town meeting’

[In response to the Watchdog’s “CNN / TPM TV”]

I read with interests your characterization of those you disagreed with regarding the health care debate – lunatic fringe.

Our Republic form of government, with our elected officials making decisions, means that citizens have zero direct power over laws that will greatly effected them.

The current wave of major laws being passed by congress since last fall have been breathtaking in terms of their staggering long term effect on the citizens that must live with those decisions. Without exception, the bills passed by congress haven’t even been read by the majority of people voting on them!

This disconnect has caused great anger and resentment and it will likely get worse as congress continues this same behavior.

Democracy is not clean. It’s messy and the sloppiness is part of the process. Oh that we would have had some of that messiness with the convention center project. Instead we had the polite citizenry being led as sheep to the slaughter!
