Importance of the EU and the Eurozone

From a long term geopolitical standpoint it would be a disaster if the Eurozone disintegrates; especially for the United States and other western countries. The EU is the West’s most strongest softpower tool. The thought of someday joining the EU entices countries to align themselves with Western interests, and eventually incorporates them into the Western block (ie. Western Europe, the US, Canada, etc.) as opposed to the Chinese, Russian, or Middle Eastern spheres of influence.

If the Eurozone (and yes, I realize we’re only talking about the currency) disintegrates, or the EU is in anyway discredited, it could permanently damage the EU’s prestige, and result in these countries (Turkey, Georgia, North Africa, Eastern Europe) either defecting to other spheres of influence, or trying to create their own (especially in the case of Turkey). This would set them on a course to become rivals to the West instead of being incorporate into it.

The problems facing the EU now are strictly short-middle term in nature. Yes, some countries will probably default, some banks will go under, and it will take a while for European economies to recover. But all that would happen anyway. If, on the other hand, the Eurozone disintegrate, the long term geopolitical ramifications for the US and other western countries could be disastrous.
