Ike’s Leadership Celebrated on 120th Birthday


Liberals called him a “do-nothing-president.” Well they may be right if you consider not getting us into a war, like Kennedy and Johnson, as doing nothing. Eisenhower ended the Korean War by threatening to deploy a nuclear weapon if North Korea did not end their hostilities.

As for wasteful spending, Eisenhower balanced the budget in six out of his eight budgets. Do nothing? Liberals forget that the first President to pass a civil rights bill was Eisenhower in 1957, or that it was Eisenhower who sent troops into Little Rock when Governor Orville Faubus tried to block the integration of schools.

Eisenhower was no stranger to integration of blacks. In 1947, as Army Chief of Staff, he put out the order to the Army barracks everywhere that the “Colored Only” be painted out at midnight so that in the morning soldiers found integrated camp life. Later as President, he was the first President to appoint a Black man, Fred Morrow, to the White House staff…

Click here to read the full article.

EDITOR’S COMMENT:  The Watchdog considers himself an Eisenhower Republican and would choose Eisenhower over any president from FDR through George W. Bush.  Lamentably, there is little if any room for the like of Eisenhower in today’s Republican Party.


1 Comment

  1. President Eisenhower heavily promoted the single biggest public works project in the history of the world: the National Interstate and Defense Highways Act of 1956. What Republican could possibly seriously propose such a grandiose project in the early 21st century?

    No Republican president before Ronald Reagan would ever be considered as a serious candidate today.

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