(If you look close enough) LNP has expressed concerns for the viability of Park City

NewsLanc’s article “Park City some day? ‘The Economics (and Nostalgia) of Dead Malls’ ” concludes:

“NewsLanc has been warning about this for several years. It is important that LNP begins to pay heed.”

A reader alerted us of two articles on the subject by Gil Smart which we had not seen, apparently because they were not his regular column but posted at www.LancasterOnLine.com

Both are excellent and deserve careful review. The leeds and links are as follows:

“Because we don’t have enough retail, Vol. 2 “

and “As malls die, we’ll be building more”

We hope that Gil continues to explore this subject and encourage him to do so as part of his much read weekly Sunday column, beloved by some and so hated by others.
