Hurricane season may make spill worse


As hurricane season looms, forecasters, scientists and residents along the Gulf Coast worry that a major storm could make the oil spill worse.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration says a hurricane, or a succession of them, may bring oil up from the depths of the  Gulf of Mexico and then push it ashore. Forecasters say a season with multiple storms could send oil farther inland and spread it as far as Cape Hatteras, N.C.

“To think a storm surge could resuscitate a huge sum of oil (from the deep) and deposit it on land is truly catastrophic,” says Joe Jaworski, mayor of Galveston, Texas, a city hit by Hurricane Ike in 2008….

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1 Comment

  1. I can’t remember when a catastrophe on or near our shores has outraged me as much as this senseless oil spill. We will never learn……the lust for money has overcome human responsibility to our environment.

    When there isn’t a bird left to sing, when wild creatures are gone from our earth, and when the earth can no longer produce food that is not contaminated in some way…..then maybe…..just maybe……we will look around and say “What have we done???!!!!”

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