“Hungary is being ruled by a mafia government”

by Benjamin Novak

BUDAPEST BEACON: “Hungary is fighting under immensely difficult circumstances in Central Europe to stop a dangerous and unprecedented slide back into authoritarianism, oligarchy and corruption.” – Lajos Bokros, chairman, MOMA

The leader of Hungary’s center-right Movement for a Modern Hungary (MOMA) says Hungary has been under the control of a mafia government for a long time.

Lajos Bokros appeared on ATV Start with Egon Rónai Tuesday morning and wholeheartedly agreed with recent statements by opposition MP Ágnes Vadai that Hungary is being ruled by a mafia government.

Rónai brought up a congratulatory letter recently sent by Bokros to British PM David Cameron which, in addition to congratulating the Conservative politician on his recent electoral victory, recounts Hungary’s current democratic deficit.

“As the only genuinely conservative party in Hungary which truly shares your values – free markets, free trade, free entrepreneurship, small, efficient and clean state serving the best interests of the ordinary people – we try to do our utmost to represent, advance and uphold the values of freedom and democracy, the rule of law and societal solidarity in Hungary. A very tall order, indeed,” wrote Bokros.

Bokros reminded Cameron that Hungary is “fighting under immensely difficult circumstances in Central Europe to stop a dangerous and unprecedented slide back into authoritarianism, oligarchy and corruption.”

He called on Cameron to remember that the country’s “struggle has become even more difficult as Hungary`s neo-communist government has degenerated into a coterie of power-hungry and corrupt officials who have pulled the country to the populist, etatist and xenophobic far right, destroyed the remainder of civility in public discourse and made Hungary, once again, a satellite of Russia”.
