Hundreds sue Ky. hospital over heart procedures

USA TODAY: LONDON, Ky. — After enduring at least two-dozen heart procedures over two decades, disabled former meat cutter Edward Marshall decided in September 2010 that he’d been treated long enough by cardiologists at St. Joseph London hospital.

So he saw a specialist in Lexington, who told him some disturbing news: An artery treated just months earlier was barely blocked, and there had been no need for Dr. Sandesh “Sam” Patil to enlarge it with a balloon angioplasty, then prop it open with a stent.

“I would have not carried out this procedure,” the Lexington cardiologist, Dr. Michael R. Jones, told Marshall in a letter that is included in the court record…  (more)

EDITOR: Except in a dire emergency, NEVER agree to surgery without obtaining a consultation from another specialist, preferably from another town.   In every field of endeavor including medicine, there are fools and predators.   When in doubt, the advice willl likely be that which makes a big profit.
