How many city workers needed to fill a pot hole?

The usual approach a couple of decades  ago was for townships to send one worker with a pickup truck to the asphalt plant and then the worker  would drive around, stopping at pot holes, shovel  in some black top, and compact it.

The Watchdog witnessed what appeared to be four city ‘workers’ filling a pot hole near the Central Market, with one doing the work and the other three standing by.

And we wonder why taxes are so high.



  1. Yet Rick Gray doesn’t threaten these guys with layoffs. Only firefighters. I’m pretty sure it takes more than a few firefighters to put out a building fire.

    Must be a pretty damned big pothole if it takes four guys to patch it. The funny thing is, the firefighter rulebook actually calls for four guys on a truck, but in Lancaster we get two. Yet streets department somehow manages to keep four person crews to fill potholes.

    Hey, at least we have our priorities straight. Thanks Rick!

  2. I think it is time that the city takes a hard look at the person heading up all of the city public works operations. You have the Long’s Park fiasco, the bulb out insanity, and on and on.

    If being cute is part of the job description, then maybe we have the right person. Otherwise, I think not.

  3. Rick Gray is too taken by his own ego to even think about replacing one of his hand picked wunderkinder. Hell, one of the city’s employee groups is in open rebellion against a city manager over harassment and other issues, and Rick thinks that Timm Gregg is “doing a heckofajob.”

    The scary part is that at least two of Gray’s inner circle at city hall have openly expressed their desire to replace Rick when he leaves office. Pat Brogan and Tim Gregg both desperately want to be the mayor of this city.

    The last thing we need is a continuation of the Gray administration by proxy.

  4. The person heading up all of the city public works operations is only doing what they are told to do.

  5. Really…just doing what she is told to do? She left the city at one point to work for a small local college. For some unknown reason, that did not work out. If she is now only taking directions, presumably from Gray’s office, then why in the world is she being paid in excess of $100,000? Something does not make sense.

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