The Hour Glass Foundation has announced the relocation of its June 4th program from the Lancaster Convention Center to the Pennsylvania Academy of Music at 42 N. Queen Street, Lancaster.
The presentation portion is titled “Great Places Make Great Cities” and is described as follows:
Simple human nature – people are attracted to beautiful, interesting places where they can be part of a special experience. A great place is not only visually pleasing and emotionally stimulating, it creates comfortable sense of belonging. Great places attract interesting and diverse populations, they connect people, build community and energize the local economy.
Every great city has great places. Creating vibrant public spaces where people want to be is fundamental to revitalizing a city. The art of “place making” will be explored at this Hourglass forum by the nation’s leading authority – Fred Kent.
Fred is founder and president of Project for Public Spaces, and regarded as one of the foremost thinkers in livability, smart growth and the future of the city. Since 1975, his organization has worked with more than 2,000 communities in 26 countries, helping to turn public spaces into lively community places, with programs, uses and people-friendly settings that build local value and serve community needs.
Additional information is available at the Foundation’s homepage or at