Hotelier rebuts Convention Center contentions before commissioners

My name is Rodney Gleiberman. I am a resident of West Lampeter Township and general manager of the Continental Inn, a business owned and operated by my family for close to 40 years.

In light of recent statements and press coverage regarding fiscal difficulties at the Lancaster County Convention Center, I would like to take this opportunity to respond publicly and offer some insight and perspective as a member of the Lancaster County hotel community.

Often times, I read about “the stakeholders” meeting to discuss these matters and every time I ask myself, aren’t we, the hotels, stakeholders? Where is our voice? Why don’t we have a seat at the table? I hope that you will indulge me here and allow me to voice some concerns because I do not feel anyone else is advocating on our behalf and looking at all sides of this project.

Click here to read the full letter.



  1. 16 WAGS OF THE TAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    This is an OUTSTANDING analysis of the past., present and future!!!

    Now…let’s see if the County Commissioners have the fortitude to address the REAL issues and formulate some FAIR answers.

    This should be a COUNTY VOTER REFERUNDUM issue this spring.

    Would LNP print this as a ‘letter to the editor”, or as a side-bar commentary since it would ‘exceed’ the word limits????

  2. (OK to publish with my real name)

    I basically agree with the points Mr. Gleiberman makes in his well thought out letter, with one important exception. I still attend every LCCCA board and committee meeting that I can, and I’ve become as familiar with the project as any ordinary citizen can. I’ve seen Kevin Molloy in action, heard his reports, and seen the consequences of what he does. I can say without hesitation that Kevin Molloy is worth every penny he is paid.

    Why? Because all too often, Kevin Molloy and his business manager, Mary Ellen Davis (the only two paid employees of the LCCCA) are the ONLY defense that taxpayers have in dealing with Interstate Hotels and Resorts, the joint manager of both the hotel and convention center. (The volunteer LCCCA board also does what it can, and chairman Kevin Fry spends a lot of his own time assisting the paid staff.) Kevin Molloy and Mary Ellen Davis spend a LOT of time and effort to make certain that IHR (representing the Penn Square Partners) receives no more than their share of tax dollars as dictated by the agreements which bind this “integrated facility”. Kevin Molly is quite intelligent, and knows the convention and hospitality industry very well – exactly what is needed to be able to deal with the “private partners”.

    It would be no exaggeration to say that Kevin Molloy saves taxpayers much more than the cost of his salary.

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