Hotel Room Rental Tax receipts us 2.2% in 2012

According to the December, Year To Date, report from the Office of the County Treasurer, collections from the Hotel Room Rental Tax came to $8,678,128 in 2012.

This is $191,622 over receipts from 2011, or an increase of 2.2%.

During the same period, the Consumer Price Index rose by 1.7%.

In inflation adjusted terms, the ‘real’ increase came to ½ of a percent.


1 Comment

  1. I guess this means that the Convention Center has not been the driving catalyst for the hotel industry (other than PSP’s Marriott) that all the proponents were suggesting……… the immortal words of Gomer Pyle…..”surprise, surprise, surprise”!!!!!

    Scott Martin’s proposal better get 100% buy-in while there is still a Convention Center to save!!

    The taxpayers will be on the hook for generations.

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