Hotel & Convention Center 58% complete

Steve Houser of Reynolds Construction Management reported Thursday that with July’s expenditure of $5,305,330.37, $61,721,503.42 has been expended to date and the Hotel & Convention Center Project is now 58% complete in terms of hard construction dollars.

As of July 30th, the construction team as a whole is 30 days behind the original schedule, having made up one day since the last report. Despite this, the work continues apace for the $170 million+ facility’s projected March opening.

According to Houser, recent progress at the site includes the installation of two electrical transformers that are providing electricity to parts of the buildings, light fixtures, exhibit level drywall, further progress on two elevators, installation of windows in the hotel tower (clearly visible from the street), and work towards constructing the roof of the hotel tower and the perimeter of the main ballroom.
