Hospital Billing Varies Wildly, Government Data Shows

NEW YORK TIMES:  …Data being released for the first time by the government on Wednesday shows that hospitals charge Medicare wildly differing amounts — sometimes 10 to 20 times what Medicare typically reimburses — for the same procedure, raising questions about how hospitals determine prices and why they differ so widely.

The data for 3,300 hospitals, released by the federal Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services, shows wide variations not only regionally but among hospitals in the same area or city. ..

Medicare does not actually pay the amount a hospital charges but instead uses a system of standardized payments to reimburse hospitals for treating specific conditions. Private insurers do not pay the full charge either, but negotiate payments with hospitals for specific treatments. Since many patients are covered by Medicare or have private insurance, they are not directly affected by what hospitals charge… (more)

EDITOR: The victims are the uninsured patients.  Here in Lancaster, General Hospital used to benefit greatly because the Amish were not insured.  Now they receive a discount, presumably far less still than do insurance companies.  Uninsured?   The patrient  pays astronimically high charges.
