Hoping PA right-to-know request has a ghost of a chance

DELAWARE COUNTY TIMES Op-Ed: ..Well it’s now five months later, and I still do not have the information requested or the information promised. So, today I filed a formal right-to-know request for this information from the Pennsylvania Department of Education.

If time was spent at public expense to review the state of higher education and to implement regulations, certainly legislators and the public have a right to access the work. If it turns out there was no work product, we have a right to know that as well. Heck, the governor’s official statement accompanying Tomalis’ appointment as special adviser on higher education stated, “We spend a lot of tax dollars on education and the governor does not want this to be a report (Higher Education Commission Report) that sits on a shelf without being acted upon.”

Perhaps my right-to-know request can be summed up by asking, “Who you gonna call?” If the department won’t respond to my questions, where can I get answers? If the work was done, show us the work. If the Pennsylvania Department of Education and the governor will stop their stonewalling, perhaps we can see reality and not just ghostly apparitions… (more)
