Help choose Lancaster’s man and woman of the year

NewsLanc is seeking suggestions for the Lancaster County Man and Woman of the year. We especially would appreciate a short explanation of the reasons behind the nominations.

The party need not be well known. It is the contribution of the individual to the public good that is the criterion. It could be a public figure, a political activist, a social worker, a business person, a teacher, a member of the clergy, a health worker, a volunteer, and so forth.

Please submit nominations to [email protected]. Although we do not disclose the names of contributors, communications can be made anonymously. Just follow our instructions from “Submit Letters Anonymously”.

Deadline for submittal is 5:00 in the morning on Wednesday, December 23rd. (The Watchdog is an early riser.) That gives time to name those selected in the newsletter of December 26th.

Thank you.
