Health care just another business?

I, too, had an eye-opening experience when my doctor recommended an MRI (the “pet” of the medical practitioners).  I called to schedule an appointment and was told the MRI cost was $3,000.  I called my Highmark Health Insurance who told me I had reached my “cap” and the procedure would not be covered.

Called my doctor and spoke to the secretary letting her know the price I was quoted for the “test” and that if this was an indication of more to come…well, I’d rather be dead than medically bankrupt.  She said if I paid $1,000 up front,  I could have the procedure. When I again called the imaging office, I was told, yes, that was so.  I went in the next day, plunked down $1,000 in cash and had the MRI.

Somehow….the numbers just don’t jive, do they………
