“Hate, Far Right, Far Left” are overused

I believe the word “hate” is too overused as are the words “far right” and “far left”. In some venue’s the words are commonly used to smear people or as a way to associate a person with some strongly disliked idea. Recent examples are those who paint an idea with a Fox News label or an MSNBC label . It’s red meat and nothing more.

A good book on the subject was written by Saul Alinsky. It is much better to challenge the idea and not the person. As for me, I strongly dislike some of Mr. Obama’s policies for many justifiable reasons but I do not “hate” him personally.

I believe had the Obama administration garnered a coalition to challenge the Syrian poison gas situation he would have been successful. That success would have been immensely helpful with the Iranian Nuclear issue.

The bravado of a “Red Line” and subsequent inability to enforce it weakened US influence. If the administration was going to set a “Red Line” it should have had what you call the “constitutional process” behind it. I fear we are looking toward a Nuclear armed middle east. Time will tell.
