Hasty drill bill deeply disturbing


POWER BROKERS IN Harrisburg have concocted another sweetheart deal for Pennsylvania’s natural gas drillers, and as you learn the specifics, you should be hearing alarm bells…

Alarm bell 1: Gov. Tom Corbett’s office and a handful of House and Senate leaders reportedly negotiated their plan over a matter of weeks in closed-door sessions. Republicans didn’t notify rank-and-file lawmakers about the deal until Saturday night, much less include them in analysis, discussion and debate. Such secrecy rarely spawns good public policy.

Alarm bell 2: GOP leaders, after announcing the pending deal on the eve of the Super Bowl, intend to rush the package to the House floor for a vote as early as today. By now, the Senate already might have acted. So much for gauging the public’s views. Ditto for thoughtful deliberation. It seems that when it comes to the well-being of Pennsylvania’s Marcellus Shale industry and its impacts on the Keystone State, residents are simply supposed to accept this hastily passed package. Shall we call it “CorbettCare”?

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