Harrisburg receiver David Unkovic cites ‘corruption’ in debt crisis

HARRISBURG PATRIOT-NEWS:  In a sign that he is tired of dealing with political charades, Harrisburg receiver David Unkovic lost his cool, slammed down his fist and blasted what he called disastrous financial decisions by city leaders, as he testified in a federal courtroom Wednesday.

Unkovic didn’t point fingers, but the normally mild-mannered receiver said Harrisburg’s debt crisis was created by complicated schemes and scams involving huge monetary amounts.

“There is so much corruption in this city. The city has been mismanaged for 20 years,” he said in a loud and strident voice, repeatedly slamming his fist on the witness stand…  (more)



  1. I wonder if we will be reading the same about Lancaster County/City/Penn Square Partners involvement in the structuring of the Convention Center in a few years?

  2. Unkovic was bond counsel for one of the bonding firms involved, so he himself has a conflict of interest.


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