Harrisburg incinerator: History of the project and how taxpayers got saddled with the debt

HARRISBURG PATRIOT-NEWS: July 20, 2011…  The fact that the incinerator renovation was more than eight times larger than anything Barlow had tackled before was counterbalanced by the appeal of the fledgling firm’s technology, which promised to reduce wear and tear on moving parts during the burning process…

For better or worse, the city, the Harrisburg Authority and Barlow were about to become partners in what would become one of the most expensive, controversial and troubled projects in city history. The fallout includes multimillion-dollar city budget deficits, city staff layoffs and a 17 percent tax increase for Harrisburg property owners.

And nearly two years after the retrofit was supposed to be finished, the plant – once billed as a convenient, reliable and economical waste-disposal solution for Dauphin, Cumberland and Perry counties – still isn’t fully functional. It has been hemorrhaging an estimated $1 million a month since June 2006…  (more)

EDITOR: Given the date of the above article, July 20, 2011, it is difficult to reconcile Jim Warner assuring NewsLanc that the Incinerator has been operating without problems for two years.


1 Comment

  1. I hope that the County board of supervisors talk some sense into Mr. Warner before his faulty perspective sinks all of us.

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