Harrisburg City Council condemns Gov. Tom Corbett for “display of willful ignorance” related to debt crisis


A majority of Harrisburg City Council blasted Gov. Tom Corbett today for expecting council to proceed with the state-sponsored fiscal recovery plan for Harrisburg even though former city receiver David Unkovic called for criminal investigations of the incinerator retrofit project that buried the city in $326 million of debt.

“This display of willful ignorance raises serious questions as to who the administration is trying to protect and why,” the council majority said this afternoon in a written statement.

“Spokespersons for the governor, as well as the Department of Community and Economic Development, indicate that the administration is unwilling to call for a moratorium on the sale of city assets since no criminal charges have yet been filed regarding incinerator financing,” the statement continues. “Their position steadfastly ignores allegations of serious corruption and calls for a criminal probe that could lead to the very charges being referenced.”

Click here to read the full article.

EDITOR: What Bill Keisling writes reverberates around the state.  It usually takes five to ten days.
