Gray tired of gun violence

Lancaster Mayor Rick Gray said he is tired of gun violence.

Just Tuesday, a 30-year old Philadelphia police officer, Patrick McDonald was shot and killed in North Philadelphia. Another officer was critically wounded.

Gray told City Council on Tuesday night that he intends to introduce an ordinance with the Public Safety Committee that would require handgun owners to report lost or stolen handguns within 72 hours or face fines of up to $1,000 and/or jail time of up to 90 days.

Gray also expressed support, Tuesday, for a resolution unanimously passed by city council expressing support for a state bill intended to improve conditions for dogs in Pennsylvania kennels.

The new regulations would increase the size of cages, require annual veterinary check-ups, and crack down on “puppy mills.”

Gray said that he frequently hears from residents and potential tourists concerned about animal cruelty in general and puppy mills in particular.
