Grand jury concludes Attorney General Kathleen Kane violated secrecy rules

LANCASTERONLINE / PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER The special prosecutor and grand jury investigating allegations that Attorney General Kathleen G. Kane leaked secret information to a newspaper have found evidence of wrongdoing and recommended that she be criminally charged, according to numerous people familiar with the decision…

Some of those familiar with the grand jury presentment say it recommended charges that include perjury and contempt of court.

The statewide grand jury sitting in Norristown has turned over its findings to Montgomery County District Attorney Risa Vetri Ferman, who must decide whether to affirm its findings and arrest Kane, the state’s top law enforcement official… (more)

EDITOR: How did the Inquirer get information on secret grand jury findings? Talk of leaking.


1 Comment

  1. Pennsylvania sure is interesting. So the Governor’s cronies who spent all day viewing porno emails got the Supreme Court to seat a grand jury to indict the AG before the AG could indict them.

    Corbett ran the AG office into the ground with his political grandstanding and then ran the entire state into an ethics cesspool populated with grafters running the courts and the legislature.

    And some people think the only reason he was ousted after one term is because Kane made him look bad.

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