Gov. Tom Corbett takes heat for advocating a $67M tax break for Shell Oil


Gov. Tom Corbett, who has been criticized for cutting state spending for schools and social services, is advocating future tax credits worth as much as $67 million a year for a petrochemical refinery planned by Shell Oil Co. in western Pennsylvania to capitalize on booming natural-gas drilling in the Marcellus Shale.

The Corbett administration is seeking legislative approval now to demonstrate its willingness to share the costs of the multibillion-dollar project, even though the credits would not become available until 2017. The credit would be worth nearly $1.7 billion over the 25 years they would remain in place.

“It’s a competitive climate out there,” said Steve Kratz, a spokesman for the Department of Community and Economic Development. “This is about reindustrializing the state.”

Click here to read the full article.

EDITOR: The Marcellus Shale center of the nation is here in Pennsylvania.  Why would they build a processing plant elsewhere?
