Gov. Tom Corbett approval numbers worst in F&M poll history

HARRISBURG PATRIOT-NEWS: A new Franklin & Marshall College poll finds Gov. Tom Corbett’s approval rating at the lowest point in his two-year tenure and the worst for a sitting governor in the 18 year history of the poll.

Corbett, who released his new $28.4 billion budget Tuesday, earned good or excellent ratings from 26 percent of Pennsylvania voters polled. That figure improved to 41 percent among commonwealth Republicans, but stayed the same with independents, and dropped to 16 percent among Democrats.

The governor’s numbers also lag behind his previous two predecessors – Republican Tom Ridge and Democrat Ed Rendell – at the same stage of their first terms. Ridge and Rendell earned good or excellent grades from 50 and 40 percent of state voters respectively midway through their first terms…  (more)
