Gov. Corbett proposes 4 percent pay cut to state’s largest employee union


Teachers might have bristled at Gov. Tom Corbett’s request for a one-year pay freeze, but many state workers might well be envying teachers right now.

A salary freeze looks generous in comparison to what the governor wants from the state’s union employees.

Corbett is asking the state’s largest employee union — the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees Council 13 — for a 4 percent pay cut in the first year of a three-year proposal. He proposes increases of 2 percent in each of the next two years…

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1 Comment

  1. I would propose that Corbett eliminate the tax exempt status of private colleges.

    It’s bad enough that a college like F & M pays no property taxes and that over 1/3 of the students are out-of-state residents, but then they lobby the PA government for enormous grants like the $10 million they received from Ed Rendell.

    They clearly have excess money, as seen with the palatial new dormitory they’ve built and the $1million salary their president received.

    It’s hard to imagine that such an institution could be labeled “non-profit”, in the same category as churches and homeless shelters.

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