GOP reps balk over medical marijuana

PITTSBURGH POST GAZETTE: Pennsylvania parents seeking to treat their children’s seizures with a derivative of marijuana had reason to hope when Gov. Tom Corbett announced last month he could support a medical study…

A spokesman for House Republicans said Friday that a majority of members do not support authorizing Mr. Corbett’s vision of allowing children with intractable epilepsy not helped by standard therapies to have supervised access to cannabidiol, a component of marijuana that does not cause a high.

The Republican state representatives believe the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, not states, should decide what is medicine, spokesman Steve Miskin said… (more)

EDITOR: Cannabidiol is not “medical marijuana”, so the headline is incorrect.

Marinol has long been approved by the US FDA. It is far from being effective for many ailments that are successfully treated by marijuana by smoking, steam inhalation, or edibles.

Cannabidio has been approved by the drug authorities in Canada but not by the US FDA. Even if it were, it appears from the Wikipedia reference that it may have similar draw backs to Marinol.

This appears to be an end run by Gov.Tom Corbett to avoid taking heat for not advocating the very popular (as high as 80% per recent polls) medical marijuana.
