GOP Governors Want to Talk Healthcare with Obama

NEWSMAX:  Eleven Republican governors, including Florida’s Rick Scott, Louisiana’s Bobby Jindal and Arizona’s Jan Brewer want to meet with President Barack Obama to discuss the federal health overhaul, including ways to make expanding the Medicaid rolls and setting up online health exchanges more affordable for states with tight budgets.

The letter requesting the meeting comes after the Obama administration said Monday that states can do a partial Medicaid expansion but that they wouldn’t get the three years of 100 percent federal funding provided under the law. Scott had previously requested to meet with Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius to discuss his concerns that the law could burden state taxpayers.

Scott has been a vocal critic of the Affordable Care Act, but softened his position after the election, saying he’s open to working with federal health officials to find a solution. But he’s repeatedly expressed concerns about the potential costs to Florida taxpayers. Now he’s one of several Republican governors who recently sent a letter asking for more flexibility in the laws so that states can tailor the programs to their individual needs…  (more)

EDITOR:   Good!    “Obama Care” is but a work in process, a ‘flat earth’ approach as compared to health programs throughout the rest of the economically advanced nations.  It is comparable to Ptolemy’s earth centered theoery to understand the movements of our solar system.   It will require a lot of adjustments to make it work in a half ass manner.  If you prefer Copernicus’s sun centered explanation, then consider “Medicare for everyone.”


1 Comment

  1. Corbett announced he isn’t even going to set up a state exchange. This is probably a good thing although he probably isn’t doing it for that reason. PA will have one set up for it by the Feds and there is no way they could screw it up as badly as PA state government would. They would sabotage it on purpose and we would end up paying too much for insurance that is insurance in name only. Wait till you’d actually need it.

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