Germany Fights Population Drop

NEW YORK TIMES: Sonneberg, Germany — At first glance, this town in central Germany, with rows of large houses built when it was a thriving center of toy manufacturing, looks tidy and prosperous. But Heiko Voigt, the deputy mayor here, can point out dozens of vacant homes that he doubts will ever be sold.

The reality is that the German population is shrinking and towns like this one are working hard to hide the emptiness. Mr. Voigt has already supervised the demolition of 60 houses and 12 apartment blocs, strategically injecting grassy patches into once-dense complexes…

In its most recent census, Germany discovered it had lost 1.5 million inhabitants. By 2060, experts say, the country could shrink by an additional 19 percent, to about 66 million… (more)

EDITOR: The same is happening across most of Europe, more or less, and with Caucasian population in the USA. The number of children per couple are also plummeting in many Asian and African nations, albeit still remaining above the level of population drop off.
