Gallup Poll: 52% of Republicans Want Third Party


More than half of Republicans – 52 percent – say there should be a third political party, a new Gallup Poll says. The poll, released Monday, also found that 33 percent of Democrats want a third party. Gallup said it’s the first time its polls have found a significantly larger number of Republicans than Democrats favoring a third party.

The poll found that 52 percent of all Americans want a third party, down slightly from 58 percent in August.

Gallup said the increasing desire among Republicans for a third party could be an outgrowth of the rise of the tea party movement. The poll found 60 percent of Americans who identify themselves as tea party members want a new party…

Click here to read the full article.

EDITOR: Many believe that the new party would be the “second party” rather than a “third party”  because for matters apart from foreign affairs both the Republicans and the Democrats are but a single party controlled by big money interests.



  1. The Repubs and Dems are almost identical on foreign policy, different from your editors note. That may be the area where they are in closest agreement: neither will cut military or intelligence spending, neither will challenge Israel, both aggressively use war and militarism.

    Obama has built on Bush’s use of drones, does not worry about civilian collateral damage when doing so etc. etc. He has done what McCain would have done, just without protest because so many in the anti-war movement are partisan Dems.

  2. I think we need to shift the focus toward campaign finance reform. As long as money is running the show, a third party will just become another receptacle for Big Money. Look at the Tea Party—financed by the Koch Brothers so they can continue polluting the environment and not have to pay taxes. There is no way a Third Party, no matter how honorable it’s original intentions, can actually win elections without raising a billion dollars to compete toe-to-toe in the media marketplace. Until we get the corporate cash out of the game we’re going to be the Corporate States of America.

    Rather than playing their game, let’s take advantage of the broad general public disgust with the current political scene and arouse the electorate to demand campaign finance reform. That’s a campaign we can win because sane people from both Dems and Repubs are horrified by what’s going on now.

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