Gallup: No Sign of Romney Bounce After Convention


The contest between President Barack Obama and Romney remained stuck in the days following the convention, according to Gallup daily tracking polls running through Sept. 1.

Party nominees usually receive a bounce in support after national political conventions and the extended case for their campaigns made in the televised proceedings.

Romney’s speech at his party’s convention also received low marks from the public. Only 38 percent rated his speech good or excellent, the lowest favorable response to any of the eight acceptance speeches that Gallup has tested since Republican Bob Dole was nominated in 1996, according to a poll that the research group released this morning….

Click here to read the full article.

EDITOR: Does this imply rejection by independents and many Republicans of the stances of the right wing of the party?  If so, why doesn’t Barack Obama have a substantial lead in national polling?   Will he by the end of the Democrat Convention?



  1. Romney and Ryan and their billionaire masters live for the power of gold and revel in the suffering of everyday American families and children.

    More people are seeing through their facade and rejecting them and their suffocating policies.

    There is hope for America as more people wake up and smell the coffee.

  2. I would rather have a president selected at random from a phone book than Obama. I can’t wait until election day.

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