LETTER: Further ways to reduce college costs

Besides online classes, some other ways to reduce college costs that quickly come to mind in no particular order are:

1. Consider a community college, which are the lowest in price followed by state colleges, and transfer into a four year school after the first two years.

2. During semester breaks and the summer take as many credits as permissible at a local community college or state college/university for transfer back to one’s regular college/university. Generally there is more flexibility regarding courses outside the major.

3. Take more than the standard load of credits during regular semesters. Generally pricing is based on a standard load.

4. Try to graduate in less than four years. Each semester early saves housing, fees and likely some tuition. In addition to taking above the standard load in regular semesters, attendance for one or more summers or Winter sessions at one’s regular college/university is a way to accelerate completion of required credits.

5. Seek paid internships, especially for the summer, which bear credits.
