LETTER: Free loading charities and spineless politicians

Tim Gregg was heavily opposed by the rank and file firefighters when he was appointed by Rick Gray in 2006. He made it perfectly clear to the firefighters that he intended to use the position of fire chief as a stepping stone to further political ambitions.

The person who should have been named fire chief happens to have an (R) by his name on his voter registration card, so he wasn’t even considered. That person has served as a deputy chief in the city, holds a laundry list of certifications and qualifications in the fire service, has a degree in occupational safety, teaches at Millersville University as an associate professor and also has a law degree. He’s also respected by the firefighters because he’s competent and fair.

Tim Gregg is outclassed and outschooled by many members of the fire department. He got his position not through merit or qualification, but through politics. His actions prove where his loyalties are; not with the citizens of Lancaster or the firefighters who protect them, but with the party line at city hall.

As for your anti-union rhetoric, save it. It has been proven time and again that the city of Lancaster was put in its current financial position by glad-handing politicians who doled out taxpayer money as political favors (I’m looking at you Charlie Smithgall), the dubious tax exemptions of “non-profit” organizations who occupy 1/3 of the real estate in the city, and for poorly conceived “revitalization” schemes that find us borrowed to the hilt today. If Lancaster didn’t have to pay debt service on things like a $15 million dollar police station and subsidize the operations of churches and the county government, there would be plenty of money to adequately provide necessary services to the city.

Unions aren’t the problem. Free loaders hiding under the veil of “charities” and spineless, corrupt politicians are.



  1. Sounds like sour grapes, backbiting, insubordination, and politics. The rules of the game are that the mayor, as the elected representative of the people, gets to appoint the Chief. Firemen are free to play local politics for their own benefit(s) and usually do in most cities. There have been many clashes between city hall and fire companies, and for the most part fire companies have succeeded in this environment to greatly improve the salaries, benefits (including pensions) and working conditions for their members. The battle goes on, and so we have the letter today complaining that the Mayor (not the letter writer) is playing politics?

    The letter writer would have more credibility if he could point to the firefighters track record on fighting for the needs of the Lancaster city school district; the needs of the city’s infrastructure, sewers, streets, parks, libraries; and a better plan commercial development and law enforcement.

    For example, did the Firefighters oppose the Convention center on the grounds of it’s tax exempt status? Did it complain when the SDL got punished for asking for more of a school “in-lieu-of tax payment than what was being offered, by not getting anything?

    Have the firefighters fought to have the communities surrounding Lancaster City, pay for the services(including fire protection) provided to the Lancaster County properties within the city?

    Do the firefighters lobby to have the highly profitable LGH increase their paltry contribution in-lieu-of taxes to protect their billion dollar assets within the city?

    Do the firefighters fight for more and better paying jobs for all city residents so that home ownership, property values, and tax revenues increase, or is the absentee slumlord and increasing poverty acceptable to the firefighters?

    If, as the letter writer asserts, firefighters have more of a real interest in all the citizens of Lancaster City than City hall, I would like to see the evidence.

  2. BRAVO……….thoughtful, well-written, and well-researched. Characteristics often found lacking in the local news rag known as LNP.

  3. To the first commenter:

    As the writer of the original post here, I take umbrage at your blanket characterizations of my statements. Standing up against dangerous policy and pointing out the negligence of elected and appointed officials isn’t “sour grapes,” it is a necessary and important action to demonstrate the truth of current circumstances.

    The fire chief and mayor have been playing politics since 2009. The firefighters have intentionally avoided injecting themselves into local politics because they believe that their priorities should be focused on the safety of the city and the firefighters who protect it. It is only now, after nearly three years of constant attacks, cutback and lies from Gray and Gregg that the firefighters are actively engaging the public. They have worked very hard to reach compromises with the city through negotiations behind closed doors at the insistence of the city, but have been rebuked every time they have tried to reach an amicable solution. It is unfortunate that the firefighters now genuinely fear for their safety and for their ability to do their jobs effectively.

    What would you have them do?

    The fact that an extremely qualified candidate with prior experience as an administrator in the fire department was passed over for the job of fire chief in favor of a junior officer with no administrative experience should speak to the motivations of “city hall.” Pointing out these circumstance isn’t “playing politics” on my part, it is pointing out the motivations of the city’s leadership; Rick Gray, and woe to anyone in the city’s employ who strays from the party line.

    It is really troublesome that you believe that it is necessary for the city’s firefighters to engage in politics for the purpose of manipulating policy that has traditionally been the fundamental responsibility of the mayor. It is telling that all of the issues you brought up while deriding the firefighters for lack of action (SDL taxation issues, Convention Center revenue loss, LGH’s freeloading, etc.) are all issues that can and should be addressed by elected officials like the mayor, school board and city council representatives.

    Instead of addressing those issues head on, Gray and the others elected to represent the taxpayers have chosen to cut back on vital city services that taxpayers are in the end forced to subsidize for 33% of their un-taxed neighbors. These are issues that firefighters will readily admit that they have little expertise in dealing with. Perhaps it is for that reason they have become the target of cutbacks instigated by elected officials who are hamstrung by political impotence and the lack of will to change the system.

    At the end of the day, the firefighters have chosen to “stay in their lane” and focus on the issues of public and workplace safety. In both of those areas, they have repeatedly proven their expertise. I applaud them for taking a principled stand against mismanagement and irresponsible leadership.

    Instead of expecting the firefighters to solve all of the city’s problems, perhaps you should try harder to understand their focus on safety issues and their reasons for taking the actions they recently have. It shouldn’t take a firefighter losing his life because of a lack of resources to get the city to wake up. Unfortunately I fear that is the only thing that will convince the city to adjust its management policies in the fire department.

  4. Laws cannot touch the Lawmakers

    In Israel, former President Katsav got a jail-term of 6 years for rape.

    It is a different story in India, where lawmakers are exempt from the laws !

    In April / May 2011, Indians will elect Members of Legislative Assemblies for 5 states.

    Will they be any better than the outgoing 813 MLAs , of whom :

     25 % are criminals

     204 have 516 criminal cases pending against them

     83 are facing criminal charges for murder, kidnapping and extortion

     97 are billionaires

     403 did not declare PAN [ Permanent Account Number ] details

    ( Why file an Income Tax Return ? )

    These are findings of National Election Watch ( as reported in DNA, March 13,2011 ).

    Democracy in India, is a political invention to enable citizens to choose who should swindle / loot / rape / murder them for the next 5 years, without fear of law!

    Jobs for All = Peace on Earth

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