Free Bill DeWeese!

By Dick Morris

WE.CONNECT.DOTS: If Greene County Democrats really need a rally point they should try “Free Bill Deweese!”

They did not gain respect or more votes for whoever is the Democrat candidate against Tom Corbett in the governor’s election of 2014 by their actions this week. Local party faithful in this rural southwestern PA area printed up some posters depicting a target with Corbett in the bull’s-eye.

The posters were discovered at the Greene County Dems booth at a local fair. Naturally, the state Republican Committee jumped right on it.

“We call on the Chairman of the Greene County Democratic Committee to apologize to Gov. Corbett for condoning such disgusting imagery on their table,” demanded PAGOP Chair Rob Gleason. “Reasonable people can disagree, but creating something like this is just unacceptable.”

Farther down in the PAGOP press release, self-righteousness quickly evaporated.

“Let’s not forget that it is President Obama and Democrats who have declared war on Greene County’s coal industry and heritage,” Gleason said.

However, even the state Democratic Committee condemned the local group’s stunt.

Actions like these are the reason why the Corbett re-election race has still not been taken off the board. Democrats are known for overcoming all odds in racing to defeats. This in spite of almost a million plurality state voter registration edge.

Democrat ability to lose elections is one reason why Republicans control all three branches of government in Pennsylvania.

It’s not like Corbett didn’t create or extend reasons to vote against him this past week. Corbett purchased a vacation home in South Carolina, and then omitted it from his yearly financial disclosure report. Purchase price was $265,000 according to Associated Press.

Gov. Dick Thornburgh, the first person to win governor by prosecuting Democrats, created an executive order in 1984 that required the reporting of such transactions.

Multiple residences appear to be character builders for GOP candidates. Sen. John McCain reported five homes when he ran against President Obama in 2008. Last year Gov. Mitt Romney had to think a while, and then noted he had “either 11 or 12 residences.”
Meanwhile too many Americans worry about hanging on to their only domicile.

The Lancaster Intelligencer Journal reports nine members of Corbett’s cabinet and senior staff have deserted the Governor’s ship in the last nine months. This week, Kevin Harley, a Corbett aide for 20 years, said he was going into the private sector…

Also this week, Corbett is holding $50 million due Philadelphia schools until he is satisfied with concessions by the teachers’ union. School officials say they are unable to begin classes on time without the money. The funds were allocated to Philly schools after the Feds forgave a debt the state owed for the same amount.

With all this material and more, Greene County Democrats displayed the poster with clipart of a turkey. “Let’s make him one-term Tom,” the poster said. An adult male turkey is known as a “Tom.” Get it.

Also this week, the state Superior Court rejected an appeal by ex-Rep. and Speaker of the House, Bill DeWeese. DeWeese was the ruler of Democrats in Greene County for three decades or more. DeWeese loves to quote Shakespeare and would have considered the stunt “targeting” Corbett in bad taste.

DeWeese served 35 years in the PA House of Representatives before Corbett prosecuted and convicted him of corruption. He is serving 2 ½ to 5 years in a Northeast PA prison and will appeal for a reversal of the conviction to the PA Supreme Court.

BOTTOM LINE: Greene County Democrats should root for his freedom rather than suggest Corbett be the target on a bull’s-eye. “Free Bill DeWeese!”
